Saturday, August 12, 2006

Google to set up a server farm in India !

The Internet Search Giant Google plans to set up a server farm in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India. This server farm will be Google's second facility of its kind in Asia. Being the second plan to set it up in India (the first plan was cancelled and was instead set up in Taiwan) Google has kept most of the plans as a secret. Google hasn't officially announced anything as of yet.

The project reported at about $1 billion will house e-mails, blogs, videos, documents and all the features that Google provides. One doesn't need to get surprised by Google's expansion seeing it's exhorbitant growth rate. The project will give India, the world outsourcing capital a cutting edge in it's already 'go-tech' drive. It will also give faster access to Google's services.

It's a NO BRAINER that competitors like Microsoft and Yahoo! will soon follow the suit. After all it's a win-win for India and techcorps!

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