Review me gives us money for every post we post on our blog if we have sufficient pageviews. Review me gives us money according to our quality of our blog. Review is for both for Advertisers and Bloggers. You get same money for every post for example if reviewme gives you $50 per will still get $50 per post. Review me has been updated his blog and what they wrote in the latest post!
Readers, I am happy to announce ReviewMe’s parent company, MediaWhiz, has purchased AuctionAds! I have been working with Dave Dellanave (left) and Jeremy Schoemaker (middle) on this project since day one and it’s a great success story. MediaWhiz started off as a minority share holder in AuctionAds and as it continued to grow and grow we knew we wanted the whole thing! In just four short months we have grown to over 20,000 publishers.Jeremy and Dave couldn’t have been better partners. Jeremy is a brilliant marketer and Dave is a genius programmer. They will be missed at AuctionAds. Thanks for all your work guys!
We welcome AuctionAds into the MediaWhiz family and look forward to continuing to grow and improve the product. More coverage at: Shoe’s blog and at TechCrunch.
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